Imagine, I have won five first trophies in Italy and France in 2015 and 2016
Two in Cesenatico, Italy
Two in Cannes, France
One in Monaco
Trofeo Mercurio d’oro per arte 2016
Premio Oscar per arti visive 2015
Trofeo le vela d’oro per l’arte 2016
Grand prix de la cote d’azur 2015
Grand prix des arts visue ls 2016
About me.
I exhibit and has exhibited widely in most of Western Europe: Italy, France, England, Spain, Sweden, Germany, Portugal, Holland and also in the US.
But of course I have exhibited mostly in Denmark.
I am a member of several art books, in art journals published in the US, Italy and Germany.
I have always been creative and everything I've worked with are creatively!
International Art Contest may 31, 2018
I am one of the 15 winners of the contest on a global scale !!!
Congratulations to our Winners...Edna Coatsworth - Eileen Starr Moderbacher - Diane Morgan - Nick Maitland - Judy McPhee - Lauren Kinghorn - Patricia Haskey Danielle Davis - Ingo Leth - Tove Andresen - Bert Liverance Michael E Mullen - Brenda Hurley- Dana Hursey - Wendy Thomas